HBCU Educational Outreach
PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to encourage African American and/or Black identifying undergraduate students attending or graduating from an HCBU to gain exposure and awareness to drama therapy. This program provides the opportunity for students to be introduced to the field of drama therapy early in their academic careers, prior to entering a required Masters’ program. Most important, the short- and long-term hope is that this program, which is centered on educational outreach, will intentionally assist the growth of diversity, (specifically in students from the African and Black diaspora), within the field of drama therapy and within the drama therapy accrediting organization, the North American Drama Therapy Association (NADTA). The program incorporates a scholarship to the NADTA annual conference, and a grant to assist with additional expenses.
FAQ’s: https://www.collegeraptor.com/find-colleges/articles/college-comparisons/faqs-and-facts-about-hbcus/
AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIP: The grant covers registration for NADTA Pre-Conference (Thursday) and Conference (Friday through Sunday) in whatever registration category the applicant is in. The recipient’s conference registration will be paid for them in full; however, they will still need to fill out the online registration. Please check the NADTA website for information on dates and place of this year’s conference at: www.nadta.org
AMOUNT OF GRANT: Added grant funding may be available to offset the additional expenses of the conference (travel, lodging, etc.). Funds are specifically raised to support these costs and the amount may vary from year to year. Upon decision to award the scholarship, the student will be informed of the final offer to accept or decline the award.
ELIGIBILITY: Any African American/Black identifying undergraduate student of an HBCU who has limited to no experience with drama therapy. Priority will be given to those undergraduate students of the over 100 accredited HBCU’s in the U.S. and Virgin Islands. A reference list is provided below.
CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: A limited number of scholarships will be awarded based on the following criteria:
- Quality of essay.
- Submission on or before the deadline.
- Undergraduate students who identify as African American or Black and who are presenting or volunteering at the conference will be given priority.
- Undergraduate students who identify as African American or Black who are not attending an HCBU may still apply, however those African American/Black identifying undergraduate students attending an HBCU will be given priority.
- Students are required to submit a recommendation letter from a professor or a RDT.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Link to Application: HBCU Program Application
- Your application will include supplemental information listed below:
- A detailed budget of expenses to include travel & lodging. Only funds requested will be considered for the award.
- Completion of a 1-2 page essay(double-spaced). In your essay, address your knowledge/exposure of drama therapy, reasons for wanting to attend the conference, and how attending the conference supports possible career/education goals. Your essay will remain confidential.
- Submission of letter of recommendation from a professor or RDT/Drama Therapist. This can be emailed directly to Drama Therapy Fund at dramatherapyfund@gmail.com
APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 1st when the conference is in November.
July 1st when the conference is in October.
June 1st when the conference is in September.
NOTIFICATION: Applicants will be notified of their award status by September 15th, or before the deadline for early conference registration discounts have passed.
REQUIRED REPORT: The Drama Therapy Fund requires that within 60 days of the end of the Conference, all recipients of scholarships send a one-to-two-page essay about what they learned at the Conference and how they will apply it. If grant funds were awarded, copies of the receipts of purchases and/or record of mileage must be included with the report. These items can be submitted by e-mail to: dramatherapyfund@gmail.com
Reference List of HBCU Colleges and Universities in Alphabetical Order
SUPPORT: Like all of the Drama Therapy Fund programs, HBCU Educational Outreach is fully funded by donations. Donors may donate directly to this program to support applicant’s expenses as outlined in the grant portion of this page.
-A- Alabama A&M University, Alabama State University, Albany State University, Alcorn State University, Allen University, American Baptist College, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Arkansas Baptist College
-B- Barber–Scotia College, Benedict College, Bennett College, Bethune–Cookman University, Bishop State Community College, Bluefield State University, Bowie State University
-C- Central State University, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Claflin University, Clark Atlanta University, Clinton College, Coahoma Community College, Coppin State University
-D- Delaware State University, Denmark Technical College, Dillard University, University of the District of Columbia
-E- Edward Waters University, Elizabeth City State University
-F- Fayetteville State University, Fisk University, Florida A&M University, Florida Memorial University, Fort Valley State University
-G- Gadsden State Community College, Grambling State University
-H- Hampton University, Harris–Stowe State University, Hinds Community College at Utica, Howard University, Huston–Tillotson University
-I- Interdenominational Theological Center
-J- J.F. Drake State Technical College, Jackson State University, Jarvis Christian University, Johnson C. Smith University
-K- Kentucky State University, Knoxville College
-L- Lane College, Langston University, Lawson State Community College, LeMoyne-Owen College, Lincoln University, Lincoln University of Missouri, Livingstone College
-U- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
-M- Meharry Medical College, Miles College, Mississippi Valley State University, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Morgan State University, Morris Brown College, Morris College
-N- Norfolk State University, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, North Carolina Central University
-O- Oakwood University
-P- Paine College, Paul Quinn College, Payne Theological Seminary, Philander Smith College, Prairie View A&M University
-R- Rust College
-S- Savannah State University, Selma University, Shaw University, Shorter College, Shelton State Community College, Simmons College, South Carolina State University, Southern University at New Orleans, Southern University at Shreveport, Southern University and A&M College, Southwestern Christian College, Spelman College, St. Augustine’s University, St. Philip’s College, Stillman College
-T- Talladega College, Tennessee State University, Texas College, Texas Southern University, Tougaloo College, Trenholm State Community College, Tuskegee University
-U- University of the Virgin Islands
-V- Virginia State University, Virginia Union University, Virginia University of Lynchburg, Voorhees University
-W- West Virginia State University, Wilberforce University, Wiley College, Winston-Salem State University
-X- Xavier University of Louisiana