PURPOSE: The purpose of this grant is to encourage drama therapists to reach out to the wider mental health field, medical field, and the general public to promote drama therapy.
Travel funds, registration, etc. to a non-creative arts therapy conference or meeting.
Subvention for publishing a book.
Publication costs for writing or researching a book.
Funds for setting up a pod-cast about some aspect of drama therapy.
Funds for creating a documentary about some aspect of drama therapy.
Other projects that would expand knowledge of the field to other disciplines.
ELIGIBILITY: The applicant must be a member of NADTA or another professional drama therapy organization.
Priority will be given to drama therapists who live and work in areas where drama therapy is not a well-known modality.
AMOUNT OF AWARD: up to $2,500 each 6-month application cycle.
The money may not go to salary, but must be spent on supplies, transportation, and other costs related to the project.
DEADLINES FOR APPLICATION: January 15 and July 15th of each year.
The following information should be submitted in a cover letter:
1. Contact information including: Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Email, and RDT Number (if applicable).
2. Professional qualifications (training/experience) for undertaking the workshop or project, including your stage of career.
3. A detailed description of the purpose and nature of the workshop or project, particularly as it connects with expanding awareness/promoting the field of drama therapy.
4. A budget indicating the amount needed and what the money will be spent on.
Link to online application is here: Expanding the Field Grant application
REQUIRED REPORT: Within 30 days of completion of the project/presentation, the recipient of the grant must send a written account and evaluation of the project along with copies of the receipts of purchases and transportation and/or record of mileage.